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Reflecting And Thankful For The Breath Of Life

Writer's picture: Nichole ShirellNichole Shirell
Life is not promised!

So, I dropped everything and fell to my knees. I quickly listened to emergency instructions and began following the lead of the young woman talking to the 911 operator. Constantly praying: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and begging the one on the ground to keep breathing while rubbing her back. No time to panic, we both had to remain calm for the person we were helping and the people who approached. This young woman was literally fighting for every breath. And at times, her jerking body would become so still that we would have to remind her to fight for that breath. 15 minutes seemed like 15 hours. Thank God, the fire and rescue arrived and took over.

I am thankful for the one thing we all take for granted: THE BREATH of LIFE.

Every day, I am thankful that I have an active prayer life. And although I never know what will happen from one minute to the next, I am confident that my Savior is praying for me just as he prayed for Peter. He intercedes on our behalf. 31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat."32 But I have prayed for you,Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32

Now, something for you to consider:

How often do you simply say, Lord thank you? And, not just when you are receiving something you have asked for; but, just because he is Alpha and Omega? "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13 When do you just thank him for Life, Breath, and Purpose? How often do you pray for others? Not just because they ask, but simply because we all need prayer.

As 2016 comes to an end, and 2017, the new year approaches, this is a great time to self-reflect and thank God for the many blessing he has provided for you and your family daily. Remember tomorrow is not promised.

I am thankful for true friends and family. I am thankful for peace. I am thankful for the opportunity to share my thoughts through Odyssey's platform. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about Christ. And there are so many more things that I cannot name.

Hours later, as I sit reflecting on the events of today, my thoughts included this: one minute you could be walking to your car, and the next minute on the cold ground. So today, I am thankful that I was in the right place at the right time to help. But primarily, I am thankful the young woman was walking behind her and she did not lay outside alone. The young woman who was first to provide aid and call 911, disclosed later that her husband is a police officer so this situation was not foreign. I am thankful that the young woman who is / was ill was/is strong enough to keep fighting. And, we told her that she did a good job. And, help was on the way.

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