Replacing words of hurt and harm with words of healing and encouragement.
On Monday, April 2, 2018, a small group and I began a journey to improve our happiness. To do this we are spending 15 minutes each day for a total of 21 days incorporating the tasks found in “Awake! Speak Life 21 Day Devotional.” This exercise requires the reader to not only learn and memorize scripture; but, it also encourages the participant to speak aloud affirmations of change.
Today was the third day of this process. The first day our focus was “God’s Love.” On day two, we were required to recite scripture that reinforces the previous fact. And, on the third day, we recited scripture, affirmations, and loving words while looking into a mirror. We are replacing words of hurt and harm with words of healing and encouragement.
After the first three days, I can honestly say that I feel a difference. I am more conscious of my thoughts. So, if I make a hateful comment to myself, I quickly dispute the harmful thought and declare a loving promise from God. Finally, I can recite the memory work. And, I know the location of where I can find the scriptures in the bible.
I am looking forward to next week so that I can share my results.
Did you know April is National Poetry Month:
Click On The Cover Below Or This Link And Receive An Autographed Copy Of: Love Layers: The Love Chapbook. Cover Image Credit: Pics Art